Vendor Survey Sprint

Starts:  Sep 16, 2024 12:00 PM (ET)
Ends:  Oct 14, 2024 01:00 PM (ET)
  • Registration deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Sprint start date: The week of September 16th, 2024

  • Sprint end date: The week of October 14th, 2024

  • Duration: 6 weeks

  • Structure: Weekly cohort and coaching sessions, totaling 2-3 hours of work per week.

  • Session time: TBD. Dates and times will be determined based upon participants' availability.

  • Eligibility to register: Limited to Spanish-speaking local/city governments.

  • Recommended audience: City staff that work within the city’s procurement office.

  • Languages: This sprint will be run in Spanish only

Vendor Survey Seminar

Join What Works Cities and our expert partners at the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab (GPL) for a six-week virtual “Designing and Implementing a Vendor Survey” seminar. You will work within a cohort of cities to draft and implement a vendor survey to understand the challenges that businesses – especially small and local firms – face when doing business with your government. In this exciting free learning opportunity, you will learn what types of questions to ask in your survey, how to successfully distribute your survey, how to interpret your survey data to drive informed improvements to processes, and how to communicate survey findings to various internal and external stakeholders.

Participation requires attendance and engagement during weekly cohort and coaching sessions, totaling 2-3 hours of work per week. This virtual seminar is a great fit if you're new to vendor surveys or are looking to revamp a previous survey that didn't achieve its intended impact. By the end of the program, you will have a final draft of a vendor survey that you can release after the seminar concludes.

The Sprint will help cities to achieve the following criteria:

  • RDC8.1: Your local government regularly collects information on procurement and contracting pain points and barriers for vendors (e.g., by conducting vendor surveys and/or user journey mapping) and streamlines procurement practices to address those challenges and increase competition and participation in government contracting opportunities.

Space is limited, register today!

*Do to the limited nature of this engagement, registration is NOT aguarantee of participation. The Government Performance Lab team will reach out to schedule a time to learn more about your proposed RFP and team and determine whether you’re the right fit for this opportunity.


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About What Works Cities

This learning opportunity and more are available to staff in cities that have completed our online self-Assessment for What Works Cities Certification. The What Works Cities Certification program, launched in 2017 by Bloomberg Philanthropies and led by Results for America, is the first-of-its-kind standard of excellence for data-driven, well-managed local government. Open to cities in North and South America with a population of at least 30,000, What Works Cities Certification welcomes cities at all points in their data journey. Take the Assessment, join our Community and lead with data!