Se trata de la séptima plaza revitalizada a través del Presupuesto Participativo Barrial, un programa donde los vecinos junto al Centro de Participación Comunal deciden y controlan el destino de los recursos para proyectos, obras, servicios y políticas sociales que luego lleva a cabo la...
Launched in 2021, WWC's City Budgeting for Equity & Recovery program provided support to city leaders as they navigated challenging fiscal circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic. This e-book includes content, insights, and analysis produced by the 28 participating cities and covers how...
This case study explores Budget One, Bellevue, WA's budgeting for outcomes process. Informed by community survey responses, results teams evaluate and rank metric-driven proposals created by city staff to determine which proposals might best advance the city's key strategic priorities and...
Developed by Portland, OR's Office of Equity and Human Rights, the Budget Equity Assessment Tool includes a series of questions to help departments understand how budget requests or decisions may benefit or burden different communities. #Data-DrivenBudgetingandFinance #BF1 #Toolkit #Equity
The City of San Antonio Budget Equity Tool is designed to integrate explicit considerations of racial and economic equity into the budget process. The tool serves as a set of questions that guides departments throughout the city to consider how their budget impacts communities of color and low...