The Economic Mobility Catalog is a product of Results for America and comprises a growing repository of evidence-based practices, along with case studies that exemplify successful implementations of these practices. Many of the case studies in the Catalog align with the practices captured in the...
Launched in 2021, WWC's City Budgeting for Equity & Recovery program provided support to city leaders as they navigated challenging fiscal circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic. This e-book includes content, insights, and analysis produced by the 28 participating cities and covers how...
The City of San Antonio Budget Equity Tool is designed to integrate explicit considerations of racial and economic equity into the budget process. The tool serves as a set of questions that guides departments throughout the city to consider how their budget impacts communities of color and low...
Developed by Portland, OR's Office of Equity and Human Rights, the Budget Equity Assessment Tool includes a series of questions to help departments understand how budget requests or decisions may benefit or burden different communities. #Data-DrivenBudgetingandFinance #BF2 #Toolkit
Working with GovEx, Jackson, MS paired department-level data visualization with the city's JackStat performance management program to determine if programs were achieving desired results. As a result, the city has been able to identify opportunities to become more efficient through restructuring...
Working with Results for America, South Bend, IL and Tulsa, OK analyzed their budget data and identified that CDGB funding was not serving their cities' most housing insecure families. As a result, both cities applied repurposing best practices to more equitably and effectively invest these...
In this Q&A, Clarence Wardell, the former Director of City Solutions at WWC, discusses the value of repurposing and how cities can incorporate repurposing strategies in their budget process. #Data-DrivenBudgetingandFinance #BF2 #QandA