A previously-recorded conversation with Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and What Works Cities Managing Director Rochelle Haynes on Phoenix's commitment to using #OpenData . Mayor Gallego shared with us the ways in which the city's use of open data has made lives better for Phoenix residents—a...
Gallego webinar.mp4
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O que queremos dizer com identificação e adaptação de evidências? Você já se deparou com um programa ou política e se perguntou se poderia funcionar em sua cidade? Ou talvez sua cidade esteja tentando encontrar uma solução para um problema específico e você queira saber o que funcionou em...
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¿Qué entendemos por identificar y adaptar evidencias? ¿Alguna vez ha encontrado un programa o una política y se ha preguntado si podría funcionar en su ciudad? O tal vez su ciudad esté tratando de encontrar una solución a un problema concreto y quiera saber qué ha funcionado en otros lugares. En...
What do we mean by identifying and adapting evidence? Have you ever come across a program or policy and wondered if it could work in your city? Or perhaps your city is trying to find a solution to a particular problem, and you want to know what has worked elsewhere. In these instances, you...
This webinar will explore “Data as a Service”, which is an approach to governments stewarding and providing sustainable and equitable access to data that supports decision makers and innovators inside and outside the public sector. At the end of this webinar you will be able to define: - Why...
This webinar provided an introduction to user centred design, which is an iterative process that focuses on users and their needs in each phase of designing, developing and providing a data service. This process can help organizations reduce the reputational, financial and policy risk(s) of...
This webinar explored how city leaders can activate levers for change - policy, partnerships, advocacy and community engagement - to transform how their cities collect, share and use data across a range of services and policies. At the end of the webinar you will understand how these levers can...
Topic: Informational Session with GPL Date: Jun 28, 2022 01:58 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/1qJknww ReCFAD4ZJUnnPFQydkhRRjkxwqUwEYFx3m7KE saBuLWsGP4iNl9 LaP.6lv9 sYU8giMw8X?startTime=1656439528000 Access Passcode: 0FVVS.x2 ...
Topic: Informational Session with GovEx Date: Jun 28, 2022 01:20 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/52LM25ibj0fgWbDbkc34P0yBZ 21eQjHaaAubB9ASS6jKZf7CxyZafAOiUxm8vl .GyU4cbPGuQJMq5R ?startTime=1656437945000 Passcode: z@HC5pYQ