Las metas expresan prioridades, ayudan a orientar caminos y dan una dimensión de los desafíos que se deben enfrentar. Apuntan al futuro, al lugar al que se quiere llegar, pero también son cruciales para definir lo que hay que hacer en el momento presente, en el corto plazo, de pequeños pasos a...
El Municipio de Medellín presenta una guía académica elaborada por la Universidad de Antioquia, dirigido por el equipo de Control Social a lo Público de la Secretaría. #PA1 #PerformanceandAnalytics #Spanish #Guide
O Programa de Metas 2021-2024 representa o encontro entre a visão estratégica de cidade da atual gestão e as propostas e contribuições feitas pela sociedade civil durante seu processo de elaboração. O resultado é um documento com a pactuação de 6 eixos, 27 objetivos estratégicos, 77 metas e seus...
Performance management programs may differ depending on cities' priorities and where they are in the development process. This step-by-step guide by GovEx helps cities at all stages link strategic priorities to measurable outcomes and activities that move progress forward. ...
This research report from the Urban Institute identifies potential weaknesses and corrective actions in performance management systems. The report breaks down performance management into five components and provides dos and don'ts for each stage: collecting performance data, analyzing...
Using too many performance measures can be unwieldy and counterproductive. GovEx provides a process and key questions to consider when selecting a few, feasible KPIs from a long list of potential metrics. #PerformanceandAnalytics #PA1 #Toolkit
GovEx's Performance Management - Getting Started Guide helps cities implement performance management programs in their own communities. The comprehensive guide discusses the fundamentals of performance management, how to convene performance management meetings with purpose, and detailed next...
Crafting achievable, inspiring targets is a key piece of successful performance management programs. In the Setting Performance Targets - Getting Started Guide, GovEx provides practical advice to help cities set appropriate targets. The guide discusses the five categories of performance targets...