Developed by the Sunlight Foundation, this playbook accompanies the Guide to Tactical Data Engagement. The playbook provides examples and insights into how cities can engage non-technical community members through Community Data Dialogues events during the implementation stage of an open data...
Developed by the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Data Maturity Scale helps cities self-examine the maturity of their open data programs in order to best leverage them to create community impact. The guide includes potential next steps and interventions for cities at different maturity levels. ...
In this blog post, Public Digital explores potential ways analytics and data services could improve people's lives and work. In particular, the post distinguishes between data users and analytics users, and discusses the importance of government in both analytics services and the underlying data...
Developed by GovEx, the Community Engagement Playbook helps cities engage residents and community groups in data efforts. In providing tools, case studies from other cities, and best practices, GovEx aims to inspire meaningful engagement with diverse stakeholders. #StakeholderImpact #SI1 ...
The Guide to Tactical Data Engagement, developed by the Sunlight Foundation, helps facilitate opportunities between the city and residents through human-centered design and tactical urbanism so that the community can use open data to improve residents’ lives. #StakeholderImpact #SI1 #Guide
In 2017, Mayor G.T. Bynum and the city of Tulsa, OK kicked off Urban Data Pioneers, a volunteer program empowering city staff and community members to use city data to tackle a discrete problem in the city and identify potential policy solutions. This case study traces the origins, evolution,...